National Center of Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) of Morality in Media Corporation, Washington, DC, succeeded in stopping Wal-Mart from selling eroticized child nudity books.
You Need to Know
AFA Boycotts Target
American Family Association (AFA) continues to tag Target stores for boycott in opposition to their implementing the Bathroom and Locker-room Bill. To the best of our information, some Target stores have complied with its customers to discontinue fulfilling the particulars of this Bill. In Massachusetts, the required number of signatures has been attained for repeal…
You Need to Know
Sanctuary Cities Ends
The ending of sanctuary cities in our country by de-funding them will be an issue here in Massachusetts. Again, your opinion should be related to your legislators if this is of concern.
You Need to Know
Common Core Repeal
In addition to repealing and redoing ObamaCare, President Trump’s administration promises to repeal Common Core which mandated school curriculum in opposition to local control and input.
From the Hill
Watch: SB2138
SB2138: act to hide abortions and relative information from parents.
From the Hill
Watch: Tax Increases
Tax increases are on the table for 2019