In our long back-and-forth with Google over the years, one thing we have asked for is that they make their built-in filter, called Safe Search, much more visible. A filter is only useful if users know it’s there. Specifically, we have met with Google executives and asked for Safe Search to be put in the…
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How Precisely Is Diversity A Strength?
In the Sept. 27, 2018 The Wanderer, Patrick Buchanan answers the question, “How precisely is diversity our strength because of the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation.” Buchanan cites situations in many countries around the world where this premise proved incorrect but states if the establishment is proven wrong about greater diversity…
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Parents Have Right to Exempt Their Child From Sex Education
Mainly, the Parental Notification Law dictates parents must be provided with notice of their rights may exempt their children from any portion of human sex education in writing to the school principal. I advise parents to always contact the Mass Dept of Education in Malden, MA, for clarification and questions.
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Abstinence Based Sex Education
Stoneham Selectwoman Caroline Colarusso in The Stoneham Independent Dec 26, 2018, submitted an interesting article concerning “Abstinence Based Sex Education.” It briefly stated that the Commonwealth of Mass Dept. of Public Health has been awarded a federal grant of $808,000 to teach teenagers to abstain from sex before marriage.* Applicants need to emphasize healthy relationships,…
You Need to Know
Is caring about the culture a waste of time?
President of AFA, Tim Wildmon, who was MMM’s guest speaker in Nov., 2001, right after the terrible event of 9-11, answers the question to him frequently asked, “Is caring about the culture a waste of time?” He answered as follows; “I would certainly understand there are some things one would think a Christian community should…
You Need to Know
“If I Had A Hammer” AFA Article

AFA Journal, December 2018, stated in a lengthy article entitled “If I Had a Hammer,” that when careless parents put smart phones in the hands of clueless kids, lives can be smashed. Author Tony Reinke wrote for every voice raised in praise of smart phones, there is a voice to bemoan the negative. It allows…