Trump nominates new chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts (N.E.A.). Mary Anne Carter with a tremendous service background has served as an advisor to the N.E.A. since last June receiving plaudits of Republicans and Democrats alike.
Our Opinion
Harris and Hirano Question Knights of Columbus Background
The outrageous assault on the Knights of Columbus by Senator Kamala Harris and Senator Hirano in a type of questioning of a candidate for a judgeship position suggested that his membership in this Catholic social organization disqualifies an individual from the federal bench.
Views from Other Sources
In our long back-and-forth with Google over the years, one thing we have asked for is that they make their built-in filter, called Safe Search, much more visible. A filter is only useful if users know it’s there. Specifically, we have met with Google executives and asked for Safe Search to be put in the…
Views from Other Sources
How Precisely Is Diversity A Strength?
In the Sept. 27, 2018 The Wanderer, Patrick Buchanan answers the question, “How precisely is diversity our strength because of the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation.” Buchanan cites situations in many countries around the world where this premise proved incorrect but states if the establishment is proven wrong about greater diversity…
From the Hill
Watch: SB2138
SB2138: act to hide abortions and relative information from parents.
From the Hill
Watch: Tax Increases
Tax increases are on the table for 2019
From the Hill
Watch: Consent and Counseling Bill
Consent and Counseling Bill will lower age of consent for abortions from 18 years to 16 years old.